May, an event to remeber or hopefully not be forgetable!

The week of May 16th. A dual celebration of 25yrs of A.N.I.M.E Club and my birthday. I know I should be more exuberant or at least more festive. However, it’s been a long road getting from there to here – to quote Star Trek: Enterprise. I’ve encountered, mainly, the worst of humanity with only the Mayan promise of 2012. ” The world as we know it shall end ” , is what was misquoted quite a bit.
It meant that the way things were done, what we deemed normal, the pendulam of back and forth, would come to screeching halt. So far, it has not disappointed with the exception on how much of a blunt instrument was required to get the point across.
People are slowly walking away from supporting causes and movements and towards being a more helpful agent of change by starting with being kind to those nearest them.
Anyway, enough of the Pirate Poet rant~
The books are doing well. Still not enough of the positive reviews that I got in person on the Amazon site, but things will progress as they may.
Camden’s Follies is an adventure. However, it has insight, organically taught lessons on life and poking fun at the hero. He’s more of an anti – hero as he’s a pirate captain trying to stop an Evil Empire and their devious , cruel and inhumane masters. His goal, a simple one, is to survive his family, not win over any more females and not produce so many children! He wants to be a practicing physician and mainly a pirate captain roaming the vast wastes and well travelled highways of the Universe..
( warning: blatant plug is followed by links! )

Book 1 of the 2nd Series. And now it’s Cynthia’s turn to prove that the Follies aren’t all Jame’s!

And this doesn’t count my mini anthology of Dragon Tales or my underrated horro/action piece.
However, do read, enjoy and reccomend! Reading isn’t a chore and it’s a window to the cinema of the mind ~ * bow * ~

Till next time ~
The Pirate Poet

Time March – eth on!

Working on book series is tiring as it is rewarding. Finding a cover artist that can be afforded with a deadline is nerve wracking. There, I said it.
Anyway, mum’s recovering slowly. I’m closer to the knackers yard and stories are still vying for my attention. And in the mean time, jobbing and hawking my current work to make it possible to keep going…
The least known and easily overlooked Horror/Action Story ~

A tale of Dragons from a new perspective!

And my bread and butter Action, Adventure, Comedy, Melodrama!
The story of a former British Army man thrust into a galactic conflict

And a visual ~

And …

Ah well, now to re – master using this idiot programme ..
* LOL *

May vent in the future, but for now

See you all … Out there!

~ The Pirate Poet

Perspective ~

So, another year comes to a close. I managed to begin the second series of Camden’s Follies and embark on the tedious job of raising funds for my next cover.

Here’s the first book of the second series ~

As we near the last holiday, time to reflect

To Quote Coldplay ” How in the world am I supposed to see, you as my brother not my enemy? ”
In this day and age of heightened sensetivity, it’s truly more difficult to speak with anyone without somehow annoying or insulting them with statement or query that was just fine yesterday.
If it’s not American, your opinion is meningless. You can’t make a clean statement without being called some new variation on an old insult.
I wonder when it will dawn on anyone, that changing pronouns or altering language in mid stream causes more harm than good? That, a victory where you’re the only one standing in a field of the dead doesn’t make you special, but a lonely fool too self absorbed to see how much the monster you became, the one that you feared the most?
Yes, I’m old. To some, that means obsolete. It means someone to blame, disparage and be merciless to. Our wisdom, knowledge or experience is meaningless to them and their technology superior.
Me, I’m the one outside the maddening crowd. I stand amongst, but never part of. Easily ignored, I tend to find myself more distant as time goes on. Also, I must note that, there is no distance greater than the chasms of the heart and mind.
The days arew always a little colder. I’m more a number now than ever. An outsider even to outsiders. At home, I’m a face in the crowd, polite and me. In America, I’m a lesser for my dark skin and the idea I’m not dark enough, if that makes sense. Even before I was born, I was designated an outcast.
In America, I could and have been the most reasonable and intelligent person in the room, but yet, as a product of a mixed union a lesser and an idiot.
That was and is my reality that I exist in as, no matter the decade or generation by quarter century, things have changed little.
I truly wonder some times, what it would be like to find unconditional love …
But alas, as another year drags itself forward I find myself moving forward with little purpose than to write and see…

Till the next we meet, on more happier circumstances I hope,

~ The Pirate Poet

Thoughts and a bit of poetry or jobbing for readers ~

Rant for a moment ~

If it seems I’m bent on doing things myself, think of it this way;If you were thrown to the proverbial wolves as often as I have. If you were ever promised the world only to be given a bill of goods or a lot of empty. Been sneered at or belittled because the other side had the numbers and all you had was you.

I believe you’d rely on only yourself, be determined to succeed and venture where fools and proverbial angels fear to tread. Yeah, I may seem to learn the hard way. However, no one can take away my knowledge and experience. Nor can they criticise my failures or personal victories; they’re mine. My lessons learnt. My scars and my triumphs. It’s taken me ages to even find the small handful of people I can freely admit I can rely on and I wouldn’t trade them for anything! Be that as it may, I’ve been called impossible, irascible, a pain the arse and worse… but at least I’m me and if I look as if I stand alone, especially now, you’re too narrow of vision to see beyond the hill and horizon. I’m never alone. not any more…

Okay back to the Author’s thinking and writing ~

Poetic Moment ~
What was I supposed to say?
You claim to know it all
Did you really think I’d not walk away
Give you my moment, my time of day
I wonder if humanity was truly in your blood
Or did you like me shedding my own?
What could I have done
In this or any other life
That meritted such harsh and distant treatment
Where did the heart wander
Was there really something to you
Don’t pretend to shed a tear
I know cruelty fine
I’ll not look back
I’ll just reach for my horizon
Walk on well tread ground
Lose myself in something else
Maybe one day
I’ll know love

Book jobbing 101

Dr. James Camden is swept up into an adventure few could dream of in a Galaxy light years away fleed with Alien Space Pirates, a relentless Evil Empire and alien cultures and fantastic beasts!
Spider people, underground rail ways and alien romance … Oh my!
Children by the score, the Amanor rise again plus more Follies

Cliff hanger, space battles, alien pirates galore! The close of Series 1…
Series 2 begins! Hodwinked into another marriage, an insidious plague arrises and the Garanthian Empire’s latest weapon

Looking forward to hiring my next book cover for ” Garinthians Wane ” as soon as finances avail themselves.
Otherwise, for the moment, aside from my mini Dragon anthlogy and minor adventure/horror books…
Till Next Time

~ The Pirate Poet

And so, onward… for now or until I’m on the move again..

Okay, still working on my bread and butter series ~ Camden’s Follies. Space, adventures, Pirates, Evil Empires and Ancient peoples, spousal and children troubles… My how the Camden Family Circus grows!
Despite only the cover art to show for the final installment of Elder Offensive, it’s only a matter of being energetic enough to type the ruddy thing up.
Also, finding even an Indie Publisher is getting to be a chore these days. So, Scales and Hearts must wait a while longer.
Life is indeed short, wild and ocassionally sweet. More often it’s a contest of whether my nerves will hold out or not. Book sales haven’t been quite up there yet… yet. I get word out on the primary work regularly, refuse to have to pay Amazon to do what they should from the off – their job!
I will keep exploring how to pay more than one author their fair share plus!
But that’s the future and yet to be written.

For now, I’ll keep well from the pandemic. I’ll try and find more avenues for publlishing and of course poetry will keep me on my toes.

Till the day I see ye on the trail, the science fiction or comic con panels, be well, keep writing and never give up or in. Never be cruel, nor cowardly.

Yours truly,
~ The Pirate Poet

A thought, insight (?) and a few other rants, concepts and such…

Okay, this has been a ROUGH week or so. I admit, things have been coming to a head for a while on the political and social fronts. I truly feel for the people who suffer the injustices that have been ocurring for the last century plus now.
That being said, my first rant is :
Lay off Classic Literature. Period. It’s not to be blamed for every racist, sexist outburst from brain dead morons who still think that Christian White Males are the absolute rulers of the world.
Like the violence they enact or foster on others, it doesn’t matter which book it is they quote. The fact is, they have this ingrained in their very psyche/soul by parents and other family members who harbour this rubbish way of thinking.
If we truly want to move forward, sheltering from the past is a BIG no – no. Literature reflects the times, society and the upbringing of the author and if they grew or simply fell in line to the mentality of the crowd.
Popular culture – a few dictating to the many – tells what is acceptable and not these days. This is rubbish. This is turning people into reactionary automatons and not people.
Maybe some day, the point will make itself clear. Some day, we’ll solve and prevent such massive injustice as opposed to hindering or preventing it.
End of first rant ( Maybe more )

For now, on to Poetry… This is something I wrote a while ago, say a day or two… Please enjoy and maybe consider the words for a moment, if you would be so kind.

Moon Night

The rising moon looks balefully down
Would it so, the paying of respects
To bless a the departed on their way
Make for the shadows
Skirt the curtain of night
Have a care upon moors
On the streets, doubt the light
Of lone haunting wails
A hum of tears shed in grief and anger
All from on high, the dancing lights abound
A Dance of many movements
A song of fury and lament
Clean are the ways made by the blood of innocent and impure alike
What calls this madness on?
So few seem to recall
Only the reaper has the toll
None shall reveal, for only the extinguished lights can shed answers
Their voices are too distant to be understood
Shall we forget, as in dreams or nightmares come morning light?
To when do we owe more than homage for each candle?
For heavenly light to shine, life must be full
Lest the skies, even the moon, fail to illuminate

Now, to the news of the publishing variety …
I am , oh so close to finish typing up Elder Offensive: Ammutseba’s Stand. I just need the liquid courage, er, the added motivation to do so. Please, forgive me, killing characters off is a chore sometimes and I want the deaths not to be boringly predictable, okay?

Okay – Next Rant or rather observation ~
You really want change? Change how you look at things and things will change. That’s the broadstroke look. Basically, you have the power within you. No one can take that from you – EVER! If you feel you don’t have it or someone is messing with you mojo – Take charge. Reconnect with that inner strength and never let anyone talk you out of using it.
To change what’s going on the in the world, we have to embrace the true meaning of 2012. It’s the end of the world ” As We Know It “. Not the physical end. Not even all our lives wiped out.
The way we were doing things was off base, off kilter and just not working. The system is broken, needs to be tossed and how we put people in office needs a 180 degree turn.

  1. We need representatives – law enablers, NOT law makers.
  2. Listening is a PRIMARY skill requirement. You may get all across the spectrum ideas, but you’re encouraging and inviting all in the process. They may not like you, but you will have their consideration and will be more active in a helpful way rather than destructive
  3. Next, no more meme’s, commercials or anything for radio and television. You’re supposed to be showing your worth for the job of representative/president/etc. – This is not a Game Show or Reality T.V audition.
  4. Finally, for voters – Enough with the 3rd – Nth party idiocy. It’s a job interview that could potentially change thousands, millions or billions of lives and liveliehoods. Forget the sound good, sound bites, video clips, etc. VOTE WITH YOUR CONSCIENCE! THINK! Don’t ever, EVER, believe your vote is for nothing. It’s your right, voice and power – fight for it. Make the system count you as a person!

This is also not a ” I voted and that’s it ” siuation. This is step one. The first step. Next is keeping your candidate and your system honest. Don’t just stand there and let them walk all over you. Hold your candidate responsible and accountable. Make the system stay honest and if someone interferes from the outside, re do the election till you get it right – THIS IS IMPORTANT! No one is above the law. And if you want to break the debt cycle, hold people of the 1% accountable it is imperative you stay the course.

Next, and finally, please stay safe and well! When the dust settles and the fires are put out, maybe we’ll see how and where we should have changed to avoid this – All of it.

~ The Pirate Poet

More shared poetry and of course… a rant or three plus a book plug.

To the poetry ~

Long Gone
© Jon Corres Pirate Poet 2020

A living requiem, the monument stand silent
The Day is etched upon the minds
Plaques before the statues
The sun shines for no one
Spirits in revelry
Dancing to a nameless tune
Music for the departed
Frozen like the lakes in winter
Skyscrapers, obelisks to a forgotten god
Prayers never answered
Whispers in the alley ways
More of a breeze to quell the emptiness
What more a feeling
Signs to nowhere
A sale for yesterday
A dynasty for centuries, outliving the builders memories
Trees where once were fields
Rattling wood in favour of
Long gone dreams

To the second..

Destiny sings, calls the weary
Fate winds its threads, prepares to weave
As chance would have it
There’s no telling where or what
For a gamble or a garment
Tis a price we hold too dear
What landscape are we left to?
What blank canvas comes
Where does the brush stroke fall?
How dark will our portrait begin
Have we in it to take command
Lay a landscape we can present
To our progeny leave to celebrate or lament
Flashing before our eyes
Just a moment to ponder
A second to exist

My Rant – as brief as it is…
Can we cut with the ” things “? Emotions, ideas and concepts have names for reason!
Could we all please cut down on offence sensitivity? If your goal is live alone on the brink of disaster in constant paranoia; We already have those!
They’re called the Alt Right.

End of Rants ~

Book plug for Series one of Camden’s Follies!
The hero had it coming! Seriously, a lady in every port, town, city or planet?!? Whoa! Hold on there, matey.
Not this time!

James Camden thinks he’s heading to Afica to study decomposition and exotic poisons… Or so he thinks! Welcome to the other side of the galaxy good sir. We hope you enjoy Pirates, Evil Empires, Dangerous Creatures and… Nappy Changes!
Follow the Follies of one man’s stumble into the world of heroes!

Pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

Pt 4

Elder Offensive – Just because – Pt 1

Be well, safe and keep reading!
Live Long and Prosper ~ bow ~

~ The Pirate Poet

On Fellow authors and a further on never sweat the details…


Okay, to further elucidate on the subject of ” Don’t sweat the details”…
You can worry yourself into a tizzy, you can go spare from worry on bills or you can just write. Remember ; you can’t sell work that doesn’t exist.
Also, I’ve noted, with great interest, how some writers set store to having money as a muse. Honestly, I can tell when they’ve adopted this. There work tends to go down hill on the quality end. I know what this sounds like, but truly, it’s what I’ve garnered from trying to read anything beyond the second or third novel of the likes of Heinlein – for example. I realise folk answer to the Mortgage, it can be daunting not to at times.
On the other hand, you’d serve yourself much better if you put the bills to the back of the thinking and write from the heart – the reader can detect the quality and will respond accordingly.
I know, the publishers can be right B******* about paying their authors. I know it’s an long hard slog as an indie author – between pay packs, paying artists or re – learning how to be one, keeping to the time tables and the expenses of travel and booking on conventions for trade tables and the like – it can be a litany of lament and pain if you let it.
However, if you don’t get the work out, make the edits, put in the hours of writing and research  – The novel won’t write itself ladies and gents. We have enough pressure to be getting on with and enough stress to kill a large Moose!
I just know, that in my heart, I can and should be an author and poet. I have to have faith in myself and my talents. I don’t need to age myself to death over the details that can and will kill me if I allow them. Don’t question your sanity, challenge your mettle. Embrace the idea and find any excuse to write, tell a tale verbally/orally and let your imagination flow like water in spring.

I know, some find this absurd or codswallop ~
I just ask them; if this is the case, than why pursue happiness and peace? Why bother with chasing your hearts desire? Do you prefer to live in regret or at ease with your conscience?

Up to you. Me, I choose the fireside/camp fire story teller lark. Money will come and go, as all material things and problems. Your dreams realised will only make an appearance once every so often – so grab on and ride for all you’re worth!


~ The Pirate Poet

Do keep an eye peeled, in December I shall have Camden’s Follies Book 1, part 2 out…
Be prepared and batten down the hatches!
















































Continued ranting… so to speak…

Cover Book 2b image


To continue with my thoughts from the other day…
I’ve met and been fortunate enough to interact with some of the most talented, imaginative and gifted people the world has ever seen. I’ve seen some rise, fall and never ever be recognised. One thing is consistent – the industry hasn’t learned a thing from their gaffs,  mistakes and such. It’s one of the big reasons I push for independent artists from all mediums.
Too many have played God at the expense of the readers/audience and the authors/artists. It’s long overdue we quit deifying overblown egos and realise the big guys need to do more to sell what they have instead of wear out the readers with re-tread/carbon copies of the same codswallop over and over again.
For  me, the page is my canvas. My words are brushes, pallet and paints. My sole job is to engage the imagination and cinema of the mind of the reader. I tell the story as it is meant to be told and not out of a tired old format.
Readers today have far more options than ever – no need to deal with the rubbish that comes from the Twilight crowd. And yes, it  IS rubbish. Anything that can be outdone by its cinematic twin, discourage reading.. it’s rubbish.
Anyway, enough of my bile for the day.
I will have a list and links to help promote some of the finest in our field, newest and most enjoyable story tellers…

Until then, keep reading, writing, don’t take no for an answer, be yourself in all your creative glory and NEVER live in a can or can’t world. You’re brilliant and all you need to do is find your canvas and tools ~ GERONIMO!

~ The Pirate Poet






































More writing, a distraction or two and of course… something of an observation… maybe.


Oh deer! Yup, her highness has discovered deer roaming about. Not sure who was watching who, but there you are.


My feline muse and editor cometh back for tuna… and to complain about the new neighbours *LOL *.

Okay, so I’m a tad of a maverick or revolutionary. To me, nothing is impossible, just probable or improbable. I never listen to the supposed experts – what sells, who’s proven and who’s not.
Face it, if these blokes and birds were that bright and brilliant then why can’t they sell what’s in front of them instead of making it sell – able? It’s clear  by how often they’ve gotten it wrong – obvious examples being 150 years prior when a female was told she couldn’t write a really good horror story, a former head of the department of the Oxford English Literature Department’s story about a wee person in a fantasy setting was impossible to sell and recently a story about a boy wizard coming of age and beating a powerful villain in his quest for a peaceful life was an absurd idea that could never be sold.  Yup, never tell me what can and can’t be – that’s not my world.
I never sweat the details as kids say. My concentration is on scribing the story in my heart via the language and imagination of my mind. Write! That’s what is advised or observed the most by my contemporaries. So, that’s what I do. That’s my job in life. Write. Be the fireside teller of tales in my heart and let the story be heard, read and told.
How difficult can that be? Yeah, there are moments of typing errors and such, it happens to we humans. Then again, no one just comes with perfect anything these days – especially grammar.
I simply know that the readers of my tales will be able to envision the story unfolding and enjoy it for what it is – not nit – pick or be condescending, patronising or spewers of bile, vitriol and arm chair criticism. True builders and producers never destroy. How can they ever accomplish anything? When it comes to being an author – consider twice and type as often as need be.
You’ll always find the words. Have patience with yourself and let what you want to say or be read flow from within..

For now, Adieu

~ The Pirate Poet