Thoughts and a bit of poetry or jobbing for readers ~

Rant for a moment ~

If it seems I’m bent on doing things myself, think of it this way;If you were thrown to the proverbial wolves as often as I have. If you were ever promised the world only to be given a bill of goods or a lot of empty. Been sneered at or belittled because the other side had the numbers and all you had was you.

I believe you’d rely on only yourself, be determined to succeed and venture where fools and proverbial angels fear to tread. Yeah, I may seem to learn the hard way. However, no one can take away my knowledge and experience. Nor can they criticise my failures or personal victories; they’re mine. My lessons learnt. My scars and my triumphs. It’s taken me ages to even find the small handful of people I can freely admit I can rely on and I wouldn’t trade them for anything! Be that as it may, I’ve been called impossible, irascible, a pain the arse and worse… but at least I’m me and if I look as if I stand alone, especially now, you’re too narrow of vision to see beyond the hill and horizon. I’m never alone. not any more…

Okay back to the Author’s thinking and writing ~

Poetic Moment ~
What was I supposed to say?
You claim to know it all
Did you really think I’d not walk away
Give you my moment, my time of day
I wonder if humanity was truly in your blood
Or did you like me shedding my own?
What could I have done
In this or any other life
That meritted such harsh and distant treatment
Where did the heart wander
Was there really something to you
Don’t pretend to shed a tear
I know cruelty fine
I’ll not look back
I’ll just reach for my horizon
Walk on well tread ground
Lose myself in something else
Maybe one day
I’ll know love

Book jobbing 101

Dr. James Camden is swept up into an adventure few could dream of in a Galaxy light years away fleed with Alien Space Pirates, a relentless Evil Empire and alien cultures and fantastic beasts!
Spider people, underground rail ways and alien romance … Oh my!
Children by the score, the Amanor rise again plus more Follies

Cliff hanger, space battles, alien pirates galore! The close of Series 1…
Series 2 begins! Hodwinked into another marriage, an insidious plague arrises and the Garanthian Empire’s latest weapon

Looking forward to hiring my next book cover for ” Garinthians Wane ” as soon as finances avail themselves.
Otherwise, for the moment, aside from my mini Dragon anthlogy and minor adventure/horror books…
Till Next Time

~ The Pirate Poet

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