Renewed advertising… yeah, it’s still selling … And I’ll have copies at COSine!



Okay, so above are links for 2 of the books I have out… I’ll find the ones for Scales and Hearts soon.
I shall be at COSine in Colorado Springs, CO for the beginning of the book promotional tour.

COSine Science Fiction Convention

January 18-20, 2019

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Here’s the link if you’d like to attend!

I’ll work on budgeting for other conventions here and abroad … soon!
Keep reading, writing and dreaming!

New designs for Cover Art on Camden’s Follies Book 1, Part 2

Been a while, but here are two images I’m working on to creating a banner/pennant representing one of the major pirate clans in my book series…
Give me some feed back as this is supposed to be the flag they fly into combat and such… Will add a Skull and Crossbones soon…

On Fellow authors and a further on never sweat the details…


Okay, to further elucidate on the subject of ” Don’t sweat the details”…
You can worry yourself into a tizzy, you can go spare from worry on bills or you can just write. Remember ; you can’t sell work that doesn’t exist.
Also, I’ve noted, with great interest, how some writers set store to having money as a muse. Honestly, I can tell when they’ve adopted this. There work tends to go down hill on the quality end. I know what this sounds like, but truly, it’s what I’ve garnered from trying to read anything beyond the second or third novel of the likes of Heinlein – for example. I realise folk answer to the Mortgage, it can be daunting not to at times.
On the other hand, you’d serve yourself much better if you put the bills to the back of the thinking and write from the heart – the reader can detect the quality and will respond accordingly.
I know, the publishers can be right B******* about paying their authors. I know it’s an long hard slog as an indie author – between pay packs, paying artists or re – learning how to be one, keeping to the time tables and the expenses of travel and booking on conventions for trade tables and the like – it can be a litany of lament and pain if you let it.
However, if you don’t get the work out, make the edits, put in the hours of writing and research  – The novel won’t write itself ladies and gents. We have enough pressure to be getting on with and enough stress to kill a large Moose!
I just know, that in my heart, I can and should be an author and poet. I have to have faith in myself and my talents. I don’t need to age myself to death over the details that can and will kill me if I allow them. Don’t question your sanity, challenge your mettle. Embrace the idea and find any excuse to write, tell a tale verbally/orally and let your imagination flow like water in spring.

I know, some find this absurd or codswallop ~
I just ask them; if this is the case, than why pursue happiness and peace? Why bother with chasing your hearts desire? Do you prefer to live in regret or at ease with your conscience?

Up to you. Me, I choose the fireside/camp fire story teller lark. Money will come and go, as all material things and problems. Your dreams realised will only make an appearance once every so often – so grab on and ride for all you’re worth!


~ The Pirate Poet

Do keep an eye peeled, in December I shall have Camden’s Follies Book 1, part 2 out…
Be prepared and batten down the hatches!